Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Trick Photography

To anybody wanting to take better photographs today:

Now YOU Can Create Mind-Blowing Artistic Images With 
Top Secret Photography Tutorials With Step-By-Step Instructions

Believe it or not, you don't have to own super expensive equipment or be some kind of camera wiz to take high quality camera shots like these...
... but all those hotdog pro photographers out there will NEVER reveal their secrets to you...
... so I'm about to do it for you.
Don't take my word for that though - here's what just one person had to say:
If you've ever wanted to:
  • Take breathtaking special effects shots with just your regular camera...
  • Finally know how to create "light painting" images that are simply 
    out of this world
  • Improve your "regular" photography skills and take better photos immediately...
Then you need to keep reading because everything's going to be revealed on this page...
... and here's the best part:
Because of the practical shortcut secrets you're about to find out, you'll quickly be able to skip the "amateur photographer" stage that usually takes years to get past... and you'll be a much better photographer from the very next time you take a shot.

From: Evan Sharboneau
Dear Photographer,
Here's the deal -
If you want to be able to take the really cool photos - those crazy special effects images others just can't figure out - what I'm about to share with you will blow your mind...
... in fact, you'll probably be a little annoyed that nobody told you this stuff before.
You see, there are a handful of simple, easy techniques that can totally transform how you use and view your camera - and they're so quick to grasp, they'll make a difference for you the very next time you snap a picture.
Trouble is, the ranks of highly paid professionals out there don't like to share.
So up until now, the only alternative has been to take expensive college or evening courses, and buy a ton of pricey equipment.
And I don't know about you, but I don't have thousands of dollars to throw at new cameras, lights, and to enroll in courses.
So I learned the hard way.
multiplicity clones photography
You see, I'm an obsessive photographer.
I'm one of those guys who constantly takes pictures. I drive people crazy, always snapping something. You know?
And I like to experiment - always have.
Trouble was, I wanted to take all these cool shots, and I had all these great ideas... but I didn't know how to get started... and I didn't think I had all the specialist equipment I'd need...
... so I had to experiment.
I Had No Choice - I Didn't Have 
Money To Burn, So I HAD To Figure 
Out This Stuff On A Shoestring
And I did it, through necessity. I'm passionate about this stuff, and I couldn't rest until I could get the kinds of pictures I wanted to get.
Ever hang around at or
I wanted to be able to do some of the photography tricks I saw people doing there. All those cool visual effects, that out of this world stuff - I needed to know how it was done.
And I guess you could say I got a little obsessive - but that's okay. Photography is my passion, and if you've been bitten by the bug, you'll know what it feels like to have that burning need to get just the right shot.
Eventually, all the crazy experimentation started to pay off. My photography buddies started asking how I was taking my pictures, what techniques, what equipment...
... and I'd be creating crazy images like this just using my plain old digital camera, while everybody was assuming I was using Photoshop.
Computer Monitor Optical Illusions Photography
And eventually, I was getting so many people asking me how I did all this stuff, that I put together a simple guide revealing everything.
Thousands of people all over the world have downloaded the guide, and used it to finally get the shots they want...
... and I've just updated it, and released the second edition.
Trick Photography and Special Effects 2nd Edition by Evan Sharboneau
Trick Photography & Special Effects 2nd Edition - Your complete instructional guide on taking breathtaking special effects shots and cool images your friends won't believe...

It comes with 295 pages of instruction, 9 hours of how-to video tutorials, and contains over 300 creative photographs created by some of the most talented photographic artists around the world.

It's time for you to skip the months and years of being one of those enthusiast photographers - you know those poor guys who read all the magazines but doesn't have enough time to invest in getting the skills he really wants...

... you'll be skipping past that stage totally, and getting right to the point where you're an accomplished photographer, taking pictures that blow everybody away.
You see, I'm impatient.
I've got no time for that kind of learning. So I'm going to teach you the exact same shortcuts I used to become a skilled, effective photographer in no time flat.
You're going to be jumping over all the frustrations and difficulty, all the mystery of not knowing where to start, and instead getting right to the point where you can easily take the kinds of shots you've been dying to take your whole life.
You know what I mean, shots like this:
In Trick Photography and Special Effects, you're going to be shown my hardcore, best kept secrets for taking spectacular photos that have to be seen to be believed.
... things like:
  • How to use stunning photography tricks that other people simply won't even understand - they'll think you've spent hours with Photoshop, but in reality they're just regular photos...
  • How to use laser pens, flashlights, and other household items to get spectacular visual effects
Orb Light Painting with Laser - Photography
  • How moron-simple tweaks to your camera settings can let you take amazing shots that would usually need a hyper-expensive camera setup
  • How to capture infra-red light with your DSLR to create impactful images with surreal color
Digital Infrared IR Photography
  • How to capture beautiful High Dynamic Range nature or landscape shots... 
    pictures like this:
HDR Nature Photography 

High Dynamic Range Photography
  • How to shoot and edit amazing 360 degree panoramic shots like these...
360X180 Stereographic Panorama

Little Planet Panorama

360X180 Stereographic Planet Panorama

Evan Sharboneau - sphereical panoramas
  • The secret behind stitching multiple light paintings together to create pseudo digital art:
Light Painting Digital Photomanipulation in Adobe Photoshop
  • How to put "the invisible man" into your pictures
Invisible Man - Photoshop Photomanipulation
  • How to tweak the color settings in your camera to make things "pop" in just the right way.
  • How to freeze motion and take crystal clear high-speed photographs just like this one:
High-Speed Flash Photography
  • Cool perspective tricks you can do right now, in camera, with no special tools or software needed - know how to point n shoot? That's all you'll need
  • How to take 3D images with your camera right now - no expensive software needed, and you can grab great 3d images immediately...
  • How to capture amazing "star trail" long exposure shots like this
Star Trails Long Exposure Photography
  • The simple 30 second tweak you can make to your camera to let you take excellent photos every time... I'll show you in plain English exactly how to do it, and it really does take no more than 30 seconds.
  • Why your computer scanner is the key to some of the coolest, wackiest pictures you've ever seen - and no, I'm not talking about scanning them
This amazing guide will show you exactly how to break through the ranks of "ordinary" photographers and become the person who takes shots that amaze everybody.
And if you're thinking it's all about buying a ton of different lenses and then memorizing a million different camera settings and a bunch of other dry stuff like that...
... Wouldn't You Rather Skip All That 
& Get Results Immediately, With 
The Equipment You Already Have?
Chances are, the camera and everything you already have is enough for some excellent shots.
... I'll talk you through exactly what you should get if you want to upgrade, and why.
... I'll show you how to put together some of your own stuff that will let you create some of the most amazing pictures you've ever seen.
That's what I designed this guide for - to let regular people take amazing photographs by handing them the photography tricks and backdoor secrets to get it done without all that fancy equipment and a Visual Arts degree.
For example, you'll see how you can use a simple piece of household cleaning equipment and a basic entry-level DSLR to create this awesome image:
Steel Wool Long Exposure Light Painting Photography
In fact, your photos are going to be so amazing (starting just a few minutes from now), people flat out won't believe you took them, until they see it with their own eyes.
For example, you'll see exactly how one tiny tweak to your camera can generate oustanding images like this:
Male Light Painting Portrait with LED Strip 

Long Exposure Light Painting Portrait of Girl with Sparkler
And That's All Great, But There's One
Other Thing You Must Know...
As well as showing you exactly how to make great "light painting" images like this,
Long Exposure Light Painting Photos
and tons of other cool pictures like these...
Special Effects Photos
... I'm also going to show you how to use Adobe® Photoshop® software to improve your shots and create visual effects that are simply out of this world...
I'm talking about super-cool images like these:
Adobe Photoshop Photomanipulations

Right Now You're Probably Thinking
It Sounds Great, But You Don't Have Photoshop,
& Don't Want To Pay Out $700 For It Too
Don't worry. For the tricks that require Photoshop, you can use an alternative program called Adobe Photoshop Elements (Version 10 or above) which is less expensive compared to Photoshop CS6. Adobe Photoshop Elements will be able to do the majority of the Photoshop tricks I teach.
Pretty cool huh?
This guide is going to totally revolutionize the way you take photos, starting today, and you'll discover Photoshop and photography tricks that are going to stay with you for the rest of your life...
... and sometimes, learning this stuff can actually improve your life for good, like it has for so many others. Here are a few e-mails I've received from people who have read the e-book:

Bottom line, if you're a real shutterbug, or even if you just a have a passing interest, this amazing guide will show you how to take killer shots like the ones on this page.
You'll be able to start just minutes from now, because the course is an instant download download. There is nothing that needs to be shipped. You will have online access to the material 24 hours a day, seven days a week, forever!
"Evan, That's Exactly What I 
Need, But How Much Is It?"
Great question - and the honest answer is MUCH less than you're thinking.

Before we get into the specifics of that though, I want you to know this is a 100% risk free deal.
In fact, I'm so sure this is going to transform the way you take pictures forever, that I'm going to GUARANTEE it happens for you the very next time you take a picture - even if that's 5 minutes from now.
AND - it doesn't stop there, because you get to try it for 8 whole weeks before you decide if it's for you - check out the details below:
Your 1 Photo Improvement Guarantee:
That guarantee really does make this a completely ZERO risk deal for you... and I've made sure the price is an absolute rock-bottom bargain too.
You see, I like photography. It's my obsession, my number one way to spend time.
And I think everybody should have the freedom to take the kinds of pictures they want to take... and it shouldn't rely on you having some kind of expensive degree, or fancy equipment.
So I've made this as low-priced as possible...
... because I really do want it to be affordable to anybody.
Photography shouldn't be about spending thousands of dollars on education and gear... it should be about fun, expression, and capturing your imagination.
So if you go ahead and order right now, you'll get lifetime access for just $47.
That's all it is - just $47 to be taking better pictures a few minutes from now.
That's not an exaggeration by the way - the moment your order is processed, you get immediate access to the member's area, where you can download the guide and watch the videos online right away - even if it's 2:00 AM on a Sunday morning.
Here's what to do now:
Go grab a credit card, and hit the Add To Cart button below. You'll be taken to your 100% secure order page (I use Clickbank to process the payments with their world-class 128 bit security encryption to make sure everything is safe).
The moment your order is placed, you'll be transferred directly to your member's area, where you can download the guide immediately. By this time tomorrow, you'll be a better photographer.
So go ahead, and do it right now:

Learn More at :

In the NEXT 6 minutes, YOU can start making your own delicious wine from the comfort of your own home! How to Make Wine!

In the NEXT 6 minutes, YOU can start making your own delicious wine from the comfort of your own home!  How to Make Wine!

Anyone, even if they can't read, can do it.  Just get some juice, put in some sugar, then throw in some yeast and let 'er rip.
10 to 30 days later, you'll have something that slightly resembles wine.  It'll taste like crap and none of your friends or family will touch it - but it WILL be wine and it will have alcohol in it.
Will it be full-bodied and clear? Nope. Will you wait with bated breath in anticipation of the tears of wine on the glass? Nope - it'll be too thin and acidic. Will you taste the very sunshine that kissed the grapes as they hung on the vine?  Hardly...
Like many wine makers before you, you could spend thousands of dollars on how-to guides, chemicals, equipment, fruits, juices, grapes..
If you are truly ready to make real home-made wine, want it to be drinkable, want it to be appreciated by friends and family, want it to be award-winning...
You're going to need a real, no-holds-barred Wine Making Course - written in plain English, and outlining every step you need to take to make the most amazing bottles of wine your palate has ever had the pleasure of savoring...

The Complete Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine and the Winemaker's Inner Circledescribe and illustrate the simple step-by-step procedures for making perfect home-made wine. The best part is every guide is written in plain English without all the technical terms - written just like what you're reading here - so it's easy to understand and follow!
And to top it all off, you don't have to wait weeks for delivery  - It's ALL available right now for instant downloadable access! (everything is online and you can get it NOW)
Here's a few comments from some of our thousands of  members worldwide...
Bryan from Western Australia - "I joined your Inner Circle training course a few weeks ago. I am a 77 year old pensioner and have never made wine in my life, they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks but after watching your videos and reading some of your articles I've learnt so much in the last few weeks that I'm totally amazed. I can't get over how helpful this information has been and it has given me the interest and drive to give it a go. "
"I just signed up but I have been making homemade wine for about 10 years now. I beleave the more you know the better the wine and as you stated "what goes around comes around", also do unto others as you would have them do unto you. so I make wine and drink wine and give wine. To all Happy wine making."   Bill on 10 Jun 2009 at 7:01 pm
"WOW, you are truly the man - Mike! Your attitude of giving - is one I have lived all of my life - or at leats attempted to. You truly are a class act. I am new to this wine making scene. I have been in the restaurant & catering business - and am now in corporate mgmt. The information you have here and in the Inner Circle is not only an abundance of knowledge - but everytime I have had a question - regardless of ho silly it may have seemed - you are always right like Johnny on the Spot with an answer. For that…THANK YOU!
I will starting my first batch in the next week."
Cajun Wine Maker…Lee
Take a look at just some of what you're going to discover inside the Home Winemaker's Inner Circle ...
making homemade wine
How you can start your first batch almost immediately
making homemade wine
The 4-step formula for successful winemaking at home
making homemade wine
7 reasons people fail plus a complete Troubleshooting section
making homemade wine
How to create an irresistible aroma
making homemade wine
How to use additives that will boost your wines flavour
making homemade wine
The science of aging wines
making homemade wine
How the right amount of sugar can boost your flavour
making homemade wine
How to force every batch you make to be PERFECT
making homemade wine
The key differences between grapes and juices
making homemade wine
41 magic "goodies" that will help every batch you make taste amazing
making homemade wine
Not to mention over 150 recipes for award-winning wines!
And that's just a small portion of what's covered in the Winemaker's Inner Circle!
You see, it took me more than 5 years to figure out through trial and error how to make a really good bottle of wine. I spent thousands of dollars getting it wrong - and when I say wrong... I mean making really, REALLY, bad wine during that time...
But if I had known then what I know now, I could have been making great wine for about 29 cents a bottle!
The day you open a bottle of that first really great batch... well, it's almost like watching your child walk for the first time. That sense of pride and accomplishment - that feeling of doing something really monumental...
Nothing quite compares!
That's what you're going to feel when you follow the easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions found in the Inner Circle and the Complete Illustrated Guide to Homemade Wine.
from Debbie W:  "Mike,  I did a lot of web research before joining your site. It was then that I decided to try my first. I am a senior without a doubt. This year I made my first wine. It was quite an experience. There was many emotions but as it came to a point a sense of pride. I did it! I really did it!"
You see, the Inner Circle of 21st Century Home Winemakers is a compilation of everything every home winemaker needs to know. It is the culmination of everything I had to learn the hard way, laid out for you in plain English and Video so that you can start making truly fantastic wine right away!

Click Here! 

Commodity Option Trades

"Who Else Wants To Put Themselves Through An Exclusive, Top Secret Training Program, Developed By An Ex-Trader From One Of The World's Largest Grain Trading Companies That Can Instantly Transform Your Commodity Option Trades Into Pure Gold, While Minimizing Risks And Losses To The Lowest Possible Level?"

If You Answered 'Yes, I Do' To The Above Question, Read On To Find Out How You Can Take Advantage Of This Once In A Lifetime Opportunity...

Dear Friend,
Since you're reading this page right now, I can be fairly certain that you have a keen interest in futures options trading. Whether you are a beginner aspiring to get started, or someone who has a fair bit of experience in trading... I'm sure you would have noticed one thing when it comes to finding good, reliable sources of information on trading options.
That Most Of The Information You Find Is A Waste Of Time!
I really don't mean to be blunt, but quite frankly I'm tired of watching others get ripped off. As a matter of fact, I was ripped off myself a couple of times before I managed to wade through all the misinformationthere is on this subject.
For example, since I started trading commodity options more than a decade ago, I have (at times out of desperation) purchased option systems and subscribed to newsletters that were WAY overpriced. To make things worse, these "systems" lacked a unique trading style and were simply rehashing common information... over and over again!
At one point in time, I spent $250 a month on a newsletter that taught me how to spot 90% winners based on probability alone. It's not a bad strategy. In fact probability trading in the options market is a great strategy, if done correctly, but the problem is you didn't need his service.
You can look at the Delta of an option to figure out the probability of the trade. Too high a monthly charge and too simple a strategy.
As a result of my ignorance,
I Was Paying Through My Nose
... For Something I Could Have Easily Done Myself!
Currently there are option newsletters on the Internet priced at $100 - $200 per month with the same old Delta Neutral, Credit Spread type of trading.
You probably are facing the same problem. Too many people trying to offer you their advice, and trying to get you to pay for their advice... But who should you trust?
Frankly, I'm not in a position to tell you how to spend your money, but may I suggest that you heed the words of someone who has been there, done that...
Do Not Spend Money On Another System Or Course
Until You Have Finished Reading This Page
... And gotten MY message. It would at the very least save you some time and trouble.
Good, now that you and I have at least reached a common understanding, let's take a look at what I did when I first started trading commodity options more than a decade ago...
Back then, I was quite desperate for information (and for the money to be made) that I subscribed to expensive newsletters... sometimes at a couple of hundred dollars a month, as you read earlier. I also delved and spent considerable amount of time in all sorts of fancy "systems" that were frankly, nothing more than rehashed, commonly available strategiesthat have been packaged to sound good.
Very often, these "systems" (or models as they call it) are too simplisticand one dimensional for use in the real world.
Despite all the setbacks and proverbial 'punches to my nose' I was dealt with, I still consider it...
The Best Lesson I've Ever Received In Options Trading!
Quite simply because it taught me not to place too much trust in 'one system' or 'one method'.
For many years, I entered the Futures orders for one of the largest grain trading companies in the world.
What you are going to learn will be my complete, trail blazing strategies developed over thousands of hours of endless experimentation, and meticulous study.
These have been my "pet secrets" for many years so if you are interested in trading futures options like an old timer, take the next few minutes and read what I have to say very carefully.
What eventually emerged was an...
Idiot Proof System That Can Instantly Benefit ANY Trader,
Regardless Of Trading Style!
It can be used with any option market, including stock options!
You must be curious to know what this system of mine entails so let's get right down to the juicy details...
My main focus is on 2 trades. The First Trade is something known as ascale trading technique that will (for the lack of any good descriptive words) blow you away once you learn the details of it. Top and leading commercial firms (which I'm not allowed to name here) have been using this same technique to trade the Futures market for years... and now you, the small time trader can do the same.
You see, one of the most important skills you can ever hone is...
Learning To Trade While NOT Caring
About Market Direction!
For a fact, most people are dead worried about market directions. They're worried that if the markets go down, they lose money. Or if the market goes up they lose money!
Believe it or not, my boss didn't care if the market fell after if he bought millions of bushels of soybeans.
He Would Almost Certainly Keep Buying More!
Why? Because he knew that the price could never go lower than ZERO. This is how all the commercials trade, but what you may not know is that thesmall trader can do the same with options!
The beauty of trading commodity options combined with my signature strategy will allow you to establish a market position without having to worry about market direction ever again. In fact, if done right, you don't have to worry about time decay either.
If you're not convinced that what I'm suggesting really works, think about this for a moment.
Casinos impose betting limits for almost every single game. That's because if you keep playing while raising your bet, you will never lose.
My Second Trade is called a Delta Neutral Calendar Spread. You might have heard of "delta neutral", or even calendar spreads in general... but what I teach is nothing close to anything you have learned before.
Price per day (theta trade) is the traditional credit spread with a revolutionary twist!
This second trade will instantly debunk common misconceptions and teach you some pretty coveted skills like:
  • How to trade (and profit from) option spreads with a mere couple hundreds of dollars, instead of tens of thousands of dollars others think they need
  • How you CAN buy 'out of the money' options and still turn them into the best bargains
  • How you CAN cash in on options with little time value by learning how to calculate the risk to reward ratio
And finally, if you wish to turn futures options trading into a serious hobby or lucrative pastime, make sure you learn...
One Thing That Separates WannabesFrom The Pros!
It is the secret of time decay, or the theta...
Most people KNOW about time decay, but do not track the theta value of their options.
Look, If you trade Delta Neutral right now, or any type of option trading, you must check the Theta.
You may not know this, but experts use this knowledge to their own trading advantage.
I will teach you exactly how to do so in my "Option Secrets" package, with examples straight from my years of experience.
Could this Blockbuster Package be your missing link to trading Futures options the right way?
Since this offer is new and I haven't done much work to it (apart from telling you my story), I got some good news for you.
First, I'm still in my 'testing stages' of launching this website. As a result, you'll not have to pay the thousands of dollars I could charge for my information.
Not even hundreds of dollars.
Not even one hundred bucks.
All I ask from you is a symbolic token of $87. Why am I charging such a too-good-to-be-true admission price?
Here's why:-
ONEI want you to demonstrate your commitment to using my secrets and strategies for your own good. After all, I spent a decadedeveloping these secrets, and I want you to treasure them for what they're worth.
TWOIt keeps the 'freebie seekers' and 'tire kickers' out of the way. Very often, free stuff on the Internet is hardly the good stuff. Just take a look at porn.
THREEI want you to really learn about options with this stuff. Take my strategies and paper-trade with them first. Prove to yourself they *really* do work.
In return, here's the million dollar Futures Options education you'll receive in the form of... 
Secret Manual Filled To The Brim
With Techniques
This underground training manual is the first phase of my training program. Learn all about:
  • Option Ratio Backspreads - Which months, near or far, are better when putting on ratio backspreads and why. (This is THE option trade to use for profiting from market movement such as when swing trading – but with less risk than with straight futures)
  • How to look at different months' options and know which of those months have thebest-priced options to buy or sell.
  • How to think "outside the box" when looking for scale trading opportunities and reap the rewards of it.
  • Why the theta technique is crucial, whether you want to put on a spread trade or just buy or sell options.
  • Other ways to trade price per day (theta) spread, instead of simply using the calendar spread to trade it.
2 Powerful Software Programs To
Instantly Increase Your Productivity
Also included in the package are 2 software programs for calculating theprobability of a market closing above / below a certain price and for calculating the cost per day of an option. Just punch in the numbers and you're on your way. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to make these programs work for you. They're the perfect time-saver that will help you get better at working smart.
Since I got them specially developed for my own needs.. they're not available anywhere else. How much will it cost if you were to pay peoplejust to write these 2 pieces of software for you?
And Another Secret Manual That Answers
Most Of Your Questions About Options Trading...
If you're like me when I started trading, you'll have some of the most pressing questions at the back of your head... but with no one to turn to. This second companion manual you'll receive (on top of the first one) answers most of the burning questions people have, such as:
  • When is the ideal time to sell puts and calls?
  • How do I buy and sell Options using directional strategies?
  • When do I know whether an option is too expensive?
  • What are the best timing conditions to enter a delta positive or negative position?
  • When should I buy more time value and when to use front month contracts?
  • Tips on selecting a broker and things to look out for.
And These 4 Special Reports That Don't Fit
In Elsewhere...
While we're at it, I've also thrown in these 4 special reports that will provide you with some valuable, real-world information you can put to use immediately.
  • REPORT #1: Best Way to spot the Price Per Day Trades (And get an Immediate Advantage) - I show you in detail how to do so with actual quotes and figures.
  • REPORT #2: Why sometimes it is a good thing when your sold option is exercised - Lean one way to turn a limited risk trade with limited gain into one that has unlimited gain. Don't ever fear your options being exercised!
  • REPORT #3: Ways to Exit a Trade - Method to exit a trade, while at the same time turn it into an advantage.
  • REPORT #4: Rejected Trade - Why I chose not to enter a trade, and the KEY advantage it was missing.
Plus One Year Complimentary Subscription To My
Electronic Newsletter...
Apart from updating you with the latest cutting-edge strategies I'm working on, you'll also receive tips and suggestions on trades that will complement what you've learnt from my "secret manual". Subscription to this newsletter of mine used to cost $29.95 a month, and since I'm no longer accepting new members for the time being... this is the only wayyou can start receiving my newsletter.
Finally, Audio & Video Files That Will Complete Your Transformation Into A Confident Trader!
The final component of my training program is truly what makes the whole thing shine. You'll receive a series of audio MP3 files where I personally walk you through topics on options trading such as: calendar spreads, liquidity, margin and delta neutral trades.
Apart from the fact that hearing something over and over again actuallyreinforces what you've learnt in print... hearing my voice gives you a chance to know that I'm a REAL person who knows what I'm talking about, not just someone hiding behind a screen name.
You'll also receive a 90 minute video (viewable from the comfort of your own home, on your own computer) where I'll take you by hand anddemonstrate to you several crucial aspects of options trading.
From the very basic right up to advanced subjects such as delta neutral adjustments, scale trading and ratio backspreads.
Here's an actual screenshot taken from the video program (90 minutes):
Let's Take A Look At What Your One Time,
Admission Fee Of $87 Will Get You...
Options Secrets Trading Manual$97
2 Software Programs$47
Options Secrets Questions & Answers Booklet$37
4 Special Reports$17 each
12 Months Subscription To My Newsletter$29.95 / month
Audio Clips$19
90 Minutes Video OnMore Options Trading Techniques$147
Total Real Value Of Education You're Receiving...$774.40
Price You're Paying Today...$87
That's a total cost savings of $687.40 just by reserving your package right now. But that's not all, remember at the start of this letter you promised to...

for download Click Here! 

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Nina Dobrev

Ada momen menarik yang terjadi di ajang penghargaan People's Choice Awards 2014.  dan  yang sempat cinlok lalu putus ternyata malah menang berdua untuk kategori Favorite On-Screen Chemistry dalam serial "The Vampire Diaries".

Meski sempat sedikit canggung keduanya tetap menerima penghargaan itu bersama di atas panggung. Ian bahkan sempat memberi ciuman singkat di pipi Nina di akhir pidato kemenangan mereka.

"Terima kasih ini gila, serial ini sudah lima tahun," ujar Ian. "Awalnya, Damon dan Elena diceritakan saling membenci. Kita lalu mulai berkencan di serial TV dan kemudian di kehidupan nyata. Kami lalu putus di dunia nyata, karakter lainnya juga mulai berkencan di dunia nyata," ujar mereka bersahutan.

"Ini bagus dan tak canggung," ujar Nina yang lalu menampilkan ekspresi canggung. "Tapi kami tetap menang chemistry terbaik," tutupnya disambut ciuman Ian di pipi.

Selain Favorite On-Screen Chemistry, malam itu Ian juga menyabet penghargaan Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor. People's Choice Awards 2014 diselenggarakan di Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat, dengan host Beth Behrs dan Kat Dennings. Simak daftar lengkap pemenang People's Choice Awards 2014 di sini.

Berikut ini daftar pemenang People's Choice Awards 2014 untuk kategori TV:
  • Favorite Network TV Comedy: "The Big Bang Theory"
  • Favorite Comedy TV Actor: 
  • Favorite Comedy TV Actress: Kaley Cuoco
  • Favorite Network TV Drama: "The Good Wife"
  • Favorite Dramatic TV Actor: Josh Charles
  • Favorite Dramatic TV Actress: Stana Katic
  • Favorite Actor in New TV Series: Joseph Morgan
  • Favorite Actress in New TV Series: 
  • Favorite TV Crime Drama: "Castle"
  • Favorite Competition TV Show: "The Voice"
  • Favorite Cable TV Comedy: "Psych"
  • Favorite Cable TV Drama: "The Walking Dead"
  • Favorite Premium Cable TV Show: "Homeland"
  • Favorite Cable TV Actress: 
  • Favorite TV Anti-Hero: Rick Grimes, "The Walking Dead"
  • Favorite TV Bromance: Sam, Dean dan Castiel, "Supernatural"
  • Favorite TV Gal Pals: Rachel dan Santana, "Glee"
  • Favorite On-Screen Chemistry: Damon dan Elena, "The Vampire Diaries"
  • Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Show: "Beauty and the Beast"
  • Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor: 
  • Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actress: Kristin Kreuk
  • Favorite TV Movie/Miniseries: "American Horror Story"
  • Favorite Daytime TV Host: 
  • Favorite New Talk Show Host: 
  • Favorite Late Night Talk Show Host: Stephen Colbert
  • Favorite Streaming Series: "Orange Is the New Black"
  • Favorite Series We Miss Most: "Breaking Bad"
  • Favorite New TV Comedy: "Super Fun Night"
  • Favorite New TV Drama: "Reign"

Jay Gruden

ASHBURN, Va. -- The Washington Redskins wanted a methodical search, hoping to interview numerous candidates. Until they found the guy they knew they had to have. And late in the day Wednesday, near the end of their interviews with Jay Gruden, they knew it was time to act.
It wasn't anything Gruden, the Cincinnati Bengals' offensive coordinator, said in particular. But it was about everything they knew and had heard. They liked his enthusiasm. They liked his vision. They liked his people skills.
"We're sorry for the Bengals' [playoff] loss," Washington Redskins general manager Bruce Allen said. "But it worked out great for us. … Once Jay's interview was about three-quarters through, we knew he was the right guy. It was a unanimous decision."
The Bengals found a quick replacement for Gruden, promoting running backs coach Hue Jackson to offensive coordinator.
The Redskins gave Gruden a five-year deal, a longer one than the typical first-time NFL head coach. But they wanted to provide him with as much confidence as possible to do the job right. Washington also made sure he didn't make it out of town for a scheduled interview with theMinnesota Vikings. Gruden had interviewed with the Tennessee Titans earlier in the week.
But in the end Gruden's familiarity with a number of people already in the Redskins organization made a difference. He worked for Allen while both were at Tampa Bay -- Gruden spent seven seasons as an offensive assistant there -- and also has worked with three members of the coaching staff in the past: defensive coordinator Jim Haslett, secondary coach Raheem Morris and tight ends coach Sean McVay. Gruden said he also was attracted by a desire to work with quarterback Robert Griffin III.
"It's an unbelievable feeling," Gruden said. "It makes you nervous. It makes you excited. A lot of different emotions are knifing through you. I want to get started right now, but there's so much to do before you get started."
Gruden inherits a team that not only went 3-13 this past season, but was the target of one anonymous-source story after another in the final month, poisoning the atmosphere at Redskins Park. They are one year removed from a division title.
"I don't know what happened last year," Gruden said. "All I care about is next year moving forward. We'll forget about the past and look forward to the future."
He said he wasn't bothered by all the negativity that surrounded the franchise this past season -- and throughout various times in the past 15 years.
"I hear [the stories], but I don't always believe all the reports," he said. "I wasn't in the locker room. I was worried about my season and my team. When I'm with the Washington Redskins I'm not going to read about the Eagles or the Cowboys. I'll worry about the Washington Redskins' locker room and making sure we're one team with one goal.
"[But] when you're 3-13, there's not one particular player or reason. There's a lot of reasons and a lot of things that need to be fixed."
Gruden is not the typical Redskins coaching hire under owner Dan Snyder. He lacks the sizzle of coaches such as Marty Schottenheimer, Steve Spurrier, Joe Gibbs and Mike Shanahan. But he also didn't come out of nowhere like Jim Zorn.
But Gruden certainly has worked his way up the ladder, having coached in the Arena Football League, the United Football League and three years as the offensive coordinator for the Bengals. He helped develop second-round pick Andy Dalton into an immediate starter and three-time playoff participant for Cincinnati, though his offenses sputtered in each of those three losses.
"If you look at his resume, it's broad, it's deep," Allen said. "He's done every job in football. ... He has a credible resume. His passion is contagious. He's a great people person and he's always been that."
However, he also has a more famous, and accomplished, brother in Jon, a former coach of the Buccaneers and Oakland Raiders, and current broadcaster for ESPN's "Monday Night Football." And that's led to some wondering if he's ready for this sort of opportunity after only three years as a coordinator.
"It's everyone's opinion, they can say I'm ready or not," Gruden said. "I've had to deal with players my whole life. Whatever level you're coaching, whether it's the Arena or UFL, you still have to motivate and coach and teach players to compete and motivate different types of players, good guys and bad guys. You have to weather storms. ... There's a lot of things you can learn from whatever league you coach to get ready. My strength is dealing with players and motivating players and keeping players excited to come to work and playing and not let them get too high or too low."
Gruden was the sixth prospective coach Washington interviewed, but the likely target all along. Allen liked him from their five seasons together in Tampa Bay. But he also said that if the Bengals had defeated San Diego in the first round of the playoffs, the search might have taken a different turn; they would not have had a long meeting with Gruden and instead might have focused harder on San Diego offensive coordinator Ken Whisenhunt or others.
Allen said even though he knew Gruden well, they last worked together in 2008. Gruden has matured since then. He also didn't get lost in just the offensive positives -- and negatives -- of his time in Cincinnati.
After this past season, Allen wanted a fresh outlook.
"We knew it was more than just X's and O's," Allen said. "It was about finding the right person to build the team chemistry that we needed."

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